Public transport

On this page you will find information about public transport in the city of Pori.

City of Pori is responsible for the sale of public transport tickets, marketing and route planning among other things.

The transport operator in Pori is Porin Linjat Oy.

Routes and timetables

You can find the bus routes and timetables from route planner. You can also look at the timetables from here, but at the moment timetables are only available in finnish.

Waltti travel card

Waltti travel card costs 7 euros and it can be ordered from the Waltti online shop, from where it will be delivered to the customer by post within 7-14 business days. If you need the card immediately, you can also buy it from the customer service (more information below).

Waltti travel card can either be personal or holder specific. Personal travel card means that your identity is confirmed when buying the card. Personal card can only be used by the person who has bought the card.

Holder specific card can be bought by anyone. When buying a holder specific card, a customer group is defined (child, young or adult) and the charges are done according the age group. Anyone can use a holder specific card. Meaning that for example one family can use one holder specific card to travel in Pori public transport.


You can buy tickets from the driver with cash, by contactless payment or from Waltti Mobiili-application. You can also order a Waltti travel card from Waltti online shop. Children under 8 years travel for free.

    • Child (8-16 years) 2,00€
    • Young (17-25 years) 3,50€
    • Adult (26 years and older) 3,50€

    Transfer time 60 minutes.

    Single ticket can be bought from the driver with cash, from Waltti Mobiili-application or paid with contactless payment in the bus.

  • Price 1,00€ for every customer. (Between stops Puuvilla-Isomäki).

    No transfer time.

    Can be bought from the driver with cash, from Waltti Mobiili-application or paid with contactless payment in the bus.

    • Child (8-16 years) 2,00€
    • Young (17-25 years) 2,50€
    • Adult (26 years and older) 2,50€

    Transfer time 60 minutes.

    This product can only be used via Waltti travel card. You can buy travel card from Waltti online shop.

    Value ticket means that you load money in your travel card and you are charged based on your customer group. You can load money from 5 to 500 euros to your card. One time charge prices are listed above.

  • 5 hour ticket

    Price 5,00€

    Limitless travelling for 5 hours.

    Ticket can be bought from the driver with cash.


    One day ticket

    Price 8,00€

    Limitless travelling for 24 hours.

    Ticket can be bought from Waltti Mobiili-application or from the driver with cash.

    • Child (8-16 years) 30,00€
    • Young (17-25 years) 42,00€
    • Adult (26 years and older) 55,00€

    Limitless travelling for 30 days.

    If bought from Waltti Mobiili-application, the ticket is active immediately. If 30 day ticket is loaded to travel card, it becomes active when you first travel with it.

Customer service

Customer service point Porin Leijona, Yrjönkatu 6. Here you can buy travel card, load 30 day tickets or value for your card or ask information about buses, routes, etc. 2€ service fee is charged for loading tickets.

Ticket sale points

R-kioski Pori marketplace (Kauppatori), 28100 Pori

K-Market Pihlava, Kiviaidantie 11, 28800 Pori

R-kioski Ulvila Friitala, Tehtaantie 2, 28400 Ulvila

Lost property or travel cards

Buses are cleaned every day and the belongings found on buses are delivered weekly to Satakunnan löytötavaratoimisto, which is located at Isolinnankatu 7. Look up more information here.

Lost personal travel card:

A personal travel card is closed by the customer service if the cardholder himself/herself goes to the customer service andpresents a police-issued identity card or passport as proof of identity.

A new travel card (7€) to replace the closed personal travel card can be used to transfer
the ticket products of the closed travel card. A service fee of €2 is charged for the transfer.

Lost holder travel card:

A holder-specific Waltti travel card is always the responsibility of the holder. A holder-specific Waltti travel card cannot be closed and the tickets or value on the card cannot be transferred to another card at the customer service. Pori public transport is not responsible for the ticket product or value on a closed travel card.