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The latest issue of Sytyket magazine has been published
Christmas arrives early this year, as the City of Pori’s resident magazine, Sytyket, is here again. The latest issue guides locals through (almost) all topics democracy. In the English pages, we take a closer look at international youth workers and how to enjoy Yyteri even outside the summer season.
Fall 2024 Program
Please note that films are screened with Finnish subtitles. Most of the films have also Swedish subtitles.
Share your views on the city’s cultural services
What is the significance of the city’s cultural services to our residents? The Cultural Unit of the City of Pori is conducting a survey to explore the importance and use of the city’s cultural services. We aim to improve these services based on the feedback gathered. The survey is open until November 24, 2024.
Every fall and spring, Kinokellari offers an interesting and versatile collection of 10 movies at Promenadikeskus.
Welcome to Pori!
We hope that you enjoy your time in your new home Pori. The City of Pori welcomes our new residents with a welcome gift.
The City of Pori employs a group of experts from various fields in diverse and interesting job tasks. Regardless of the job description, we all work together to ensure that services function, residents are satisfied, and Pori remains attractive in the future.
Summer jobs
The City of Pori offers all kinds of summer jobs to anyone. There are various tasks available for those looking for their first summer job as well as for those further along in their studies.
Theses can be Bachelor's theses and Master's theses from universities of applied sciences (AMK theses and YAMK theses), as well as Master's theses (pro gradu), licentiate theses (lisensiaatti theses), and doctoral dissertations (väitöskirjat) from universities.