Counselling, support and welfare services

Study counselling

Our students have study counsellor and tutor teacher. You can contact your tutor teacher and study counsellor by email or our Wilma intranet. It is also possible to book an appointment with your study counsellor. Tutor teacher will arrange a tutoring hour regularly.

It is also possible to ask any teacher for remedial teaching if you have problems with your learning in any subject.

Special needs teachers

Our special needs teachers test and consult our students who have any learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia. They also arrange tuition in the learning abilities.

Student welfare services

Our students can book an appointment with our psychologist, social worker or nurse.

School lunch

Our students are entitled to lunch free of charge at school on those school days when the curriculum requires their presence at school.

Student financial aid

As our student you might be able to apply for student financial aid in Kela. More information:

Students | Our Services | Kela

Student financial aid system in Finland – OKM – Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland

Student rental apartments

You can apply for a student rental apartment. Additional information e.g. Rental and student apartments in Pori – Porin YH-Asunnot (