The Experiential Colour Workshop for Babies
The Experiential Colour Workshop for Babies is a visual workshop for families with babies, developed in Kruunupää Centre for Children´s Culture.

The Experiential Colour Workshop for Babies
The Experiential Colour Workshop for Babies proceeds from experiencing, feeling and discovering art, materials, colours and light all the way to a self-produced imprint. The imprints, visual gestures and activity made by babies are considered significant and important. The workshops are intended for young children aged four months to five years, who attend with their families.
The workshop offers the possibility of multifaceted interaction between a baby and an adult. The main goal of a workshop isn’t achievment or efficiency, but sensing and experiencing. The Experiential Colour Workshop for Babies contains many elements that are pedagogically developmental, that stimulate mobility and support early interaction, and that are therapeutic. However, above all, it’s about visual enjoyment and pleasure which is experienced by taking all the senses into consideration. The action is based on using safe materials in a safe environment.
Kruunupää Centre for Children’s Culture began the Experiential Colour Workshops for Babies in 2003, in collaboration with Pori Art Museum. The Experiential Colour Workshop for Babies is based on the method developed by the director of Kruunupää, Päivi Setälä, and the workshop mentors. The workshops are led by arts professionals.
Kruunupää has been researching and developing baby-friendly paints for years. The colour agents and dyes used in the workshops must be safe and innovatively multisensory. Some materials are harvested or grown specifically for the workshops.

Kruunupää Centre for Children´s Culture organizes The Experiential Colour Workshop for Babies both weekly and on weekends, as well as tailored special colour workshops for different age and target groups. The participation fee is paid on at Kruunupää in cash or by card.
Weekly workshops, 28th January to 3rd April 2025
Enrollment for weekly workshops opens 8th January 2025 at noon via an online form.
11.30–12.15 | For 4 to 23 months old
13.30–14.15 | For 4 to 11 months old
16.30–17.45 | For 2 and 3 years oldWEDNESDAY
10.30–11.15 | For 4 to 11 months old
12.30–13.15 | For 12 to 23 months old
14.00–14.45 | For 4 to 11 months old
16.30–17.45 | For 2 and 3 years oldTHURSDAY
10.30–11.15 | For 12 to 23 months old
12.30–13.15 | For 4 to 11 months old
14.30–15.15 | For 4 to 23 months old
17.00–18.15 | For 2 to 5 years oldWorkshop prices 28.1.–3.4.2025:
For 4 to 23 months old | 50 € / period (+ 25 € / sibling)
For 2 and 5 years old | 55 € / period (+ 27,50 € / sibling)Workshop prices starting from 1.5.2025:
Under 2 years old 65 € (+ 32,50 € / sibling)
Over 2 years old 70 € (+ 35 € / sibling)Weekend workshops on Saturdays, Spring 2025
Enrollment for weekend workshops opens 8th January 2025 at noon via an online form.
25.1. | 1.2. | 1.3. | 5.4. | 10.5.
10.00–10.45 | For 12 to 23 months old
11.30–12.15 | For 4 to 11 months old
13.30–14.45 | For 2 and 3 years old15.2. | 15.3. | 26.4. | 17.5.
11.30–12.15 For 4 to 23 months old
13.30–14.45 For 2 to 5 years oldWorkshop prices starting from 1.1.2025:
Under 2 years old 10 € (+ 5 € / sibling)
Over 2 years old 15 € (+ 7,50 € / sibling) -
Weekend workshops, Summer 2025
Enrollment for workshops opens 14th May 2025 at noon via an online form.
Weekend workshops at Fridays
6.6. | 27.6. | 1.8.
10.00–10.45 | For 12 to 23 months old
11.30–12.15 | For 4 to 11 months old
13.30–14.45 | For 2 and 3 years old
15.30–16.45 | For 2 to 5 years oldWeekend workshops at Saturdays
7.6. | 28.6. | 2.8.
10.00–10.45 | For 12 to 23 months old
11.30–12.15 | For 4 to 11 months old
13.30–14.15 | For 4 to 23 months oldWorkshop prices:
Under 2 years old 10 € (+ 5 € / sibling)
Over 2 years old 15 € (+ 7,50 € / sibling) -
Enrollment for workshops opens in August 2025 via an online form.
Information on individual workshops, as well as their dates and enrollment instructions, can be found here, under the “Ajankohtaiset tapahtumat ja työpajat” -headline.
Gift cards
You can purchase gift cards to the Experiential Colour Workshop for Babies (for Summer or Saturday workshops) from Kruunupää. One gift card costs 8–10 € + sibling 4–5 € depending on the age of the child and the number of the participating siblings. Please register for the workshop via the online form. Take a gift card with you, it will serve as a method of payment in the cash desk of Kruunupää.
Types of workshops
- Available for every age group.
- Held as series of nine weekly workshops in the Autumn and Spring terms.
- Each group has its own instructor and the same participants stay throughout the term.
- Enrolment takes place via the online form on this site.
- Available for every age group.
- Instructors and participants vary between sessions.
- Suitable for various needs: regular participants, those who want to try out the workshops, locals, travellers and sporadic visitors.
- Around two Saturday workshops are offered each month in the Autumn and Spring terms, and participants may sign up for one or more in each term.
- Friday and Saturday workshops are held on consecutive days on weekends in the summer months.
- Enrolment takes place via the online form on this site.
- The Experiential Colour Workshop method has also been adapted for multisensory art activities for diverse special needs groups, observing the participants’ varying needs and wishes.
- This is done in partnership with organisations and associations from various sectors, as well as Pori’s Social Security Administration and Satasairaala Hospital.
- Workshops for special needs groups run regularly alongside weekly workshops.
- More information: / 044 701 8500
- Diverse extra Experiential Colour Workshops for Babies are also held.
- Information on individual workshops, as well as their dates and enrolment instructions, can be found here, under the “Ajankohtaiset tapahtumat ja työpajat” -headline.